Cesar Hechavarría, fondly known as "El Lento," emerged from Santiago de Cuba as a prominent figure in Cuban music. He earned his nickname for his rhythmic mastery and deep connection to melodies, blending tradition with innovation.
He began his journey with the Cuban tres at a young age under his godfather's guidance. By 14, he was already a professional musician.
For 23 years, he honed his skills in Havana, becoming a respected thirteener in the Cuban String Orchestra. He collaborated with renowned groups like Elio Revé and Sierra Maestra, leaving his mark on radio, TV, and recording studios.
"El Lento" is a virtuoso of the Cuban tres, known for his technical prowess and improvisational skills. He seamlessly adapts the tres to various styles, from local rhythms to global influences.
His influence extended internationally, collaborating with mentors like Ernesto Palma, Joaquin Betancourt, Compay Segundo, and Pancho Amat. He expanded the tres beyond its traditional role, blending its melodies with different genres.
A true pioneer, "El Lento" elevated the Cuban tres to a global stage, captivating audiences worldwide through tours, recordings, and media outlets. His legacy preserves Cuban music while captivating new generations.