Tony Avila

For many people, this Cuban singer needs no introduction. But if you are not one of them, here it is. Tony Ávila is an amazing singer songwriter who will not only set you dancing but also will make you think a lot with his lyrics.

Born on August 13, 1970, in Havana's Marianao district, Tony Ávila embodies Cuban musicality and creativity. His journey began with academic pursuits, culminating in a degree in Marxism, Leninism, and History from the renowned "Juan Marinello" Higher Pedagogical Institute in Matanzas. These intellectual roots have enriched his artistic expression.

In 1996, Ávila's creative spirit led him to form the "Clave Cuarta" quartet, marking the beginning of his career as a vocalist and composer. Two years later, he founded the quintet "Agua Tibia," which solidified his position within the prestigious "Rafael Somavilla" Professional Music Center of Matanzas. Recognizing his excellence, the Cuban Institute of Music granted him the title of Artistic Excellence.

In 2002, Ávila founded and directed the quintet "Con Clave," further expanding his artistic horizons. His music transcended borders, captivating audiences at the III Cuban Cultural Festival in London in 2004.

Ávila's compositions resonate with social issues, spanning genres from traditional Cuban rhythms to eclectic fusions.

Tony Avila- Cuban Musician

His affiliations include a significant role in the Association of Young Writers and Artists (AHS) from 1997 to 2007 and membership in the Cuban Agency for Musical Copyright Law (ACDAM) since 2002.

Today, Ávila leads a group that bears his name, a testament to his artistic journey.

Tony Ávila remains an authentic expression of Cuban creativity. His music mirrors societal reflections, contributing to the vibrant tapestry of Cuban musical legacy. His participation in this documentary was a true honor and a source of immense pleasure.

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